Cambridge Cycling Club

Club Officers and Officials

To contact Cambridge Cycling Club please call or e-mail any of the people below.

Life President Mick Draper
Audax Secretary Susanne Hakenbeck
Clothier Ken Miller
General Secretary Susanne Hakenbeck
Juniors Ramona Loveridge
Membership Secretary Ken Miller
Media and Comms Secretary Alice Codling
Newsletter Editor Andrew Grant
Off Road (MTB/CX) James Ward
Racing Secretary (Time Trials) Chris Dyason
Records Secretary Colin Lizieri
Runs Captain Will Lockhart
Social Secretaries Ramona Loveridge & Beverley Carruthers
Treasurer Tony Hornbuckle
Website Editor Ken Miller
Welfare Officer Heather Williams
Zwift Events
Delegate - British Cycling - Emma Harris
Delegate - Veterans Time Trial Association - Andrew Grant
Delegate - Cycling Time Trials/Eastern Counties Cycling Assn. - Chris Dyason